What is “Unbearable”?
The Economist 6/8/16 reports research done in USA which interviewed patients aged over 60 who were admitted to hospital suffering from serious illness. They were asked to compare various symptoms…
Two BMJ Blog posts on assisted dying in Dementia and Psychiatric cases.
Richard Smith, former editor of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) writes a moving personal story of his mother who suffers from dementia, arguing the case for assisted suicide for early…
Lord Rix changes his mind in support of legalised euthanasia
In 2006 Lord Rix, who was president of Mencap, voted against an assisted dying bill in the House of Lords. Now, aged 92, and terminally ill himself, he has changed…
New Scientist reports on assisted suicide for psychiatric cases
New Scientist 23 July 2016 published an article discussing assisted suicide for psychiatric patients - which is legal in some countries such as the Netherlands and Belgium. The article gives…
Man shot wife with dementia in care home ‘to end suffering’ – BBC News
Source: Man shot wife with dementia in care home 'to end suffering' - BBC News This story is a challenge to the DPP guidelines. From the details available it appears…
Couple in joint suicide pact to avoid going into care
he Daily Telegraph reports the case of a Devon couple in their '80s who successfully carried out a joint suicide. From the article it appears that this was a rational,…
Euthanasia 2016
Euthanasia 2016 took place in Amsterdam in May 2016. Slides from the presentations can be found in the following link, including the presentation on 'When is a Life Complete?' by…
Helping my Father Go To DIGNITAS
MDMD supporter Penny Hall's father suffered from dementia. He chose to end his life in Switzerland while he was still sufficiently mentally competent to do so. The story is reported…
House of Commons Rejects Assisted Dying Bill
On 11th Sept 2015 MPs rejected an Assisted Dying Bill proposed by Rob Marris MP. The Bill would have permitted assisted suicide for people who requested it if they were…