Isle of Man’s Assisted Dying Bill passes key vote

Isle of Man’s Assisted Dying Bill passes key vote

The Isle of Man moved one step closer to a compassionate assisted dying law today, as Dr Alex Allinson’s Assisted Dying Bill passed the third reading, 16 to 8. My Death, My Decision welcomes this historic move.  

The House of Keys, the lower house of Tynwald, Isle of Man’s parliament, made several amendments to the Bill published in May.

  • People who have been given 12 months left to live by a doctor will be eligible, rather than the originally proposed six months 
  • Patients must be a resident of the Isle of Man for a minimum of five years, rather than one year. 
  • Doctors will not be allowed to administer assisted dying, patients will have to take medication themselves.

Regrettably, the law will not extend the choice of help to die to the incurably suffering, who are not necessarily terminally ill. That means that those suffering unbearably from conditions like Huntington’s or Locked-in Syndrome will be denied the option to end their suffering.

The debate’s earlier session heard an emotional plea against the referendum amendment from Sue Biggerstaff whose late husband Simon suffered a horrific death from motor neurone disease (MND). Simon’s life, as he endured paralysis from the neck down within just two months of his diagnosis, ended in avoidable pain and suffering. 

Mrs Biggerstaff told politicians: “There was a total loss of dignity. He couldn’t speak properly, couldn’t do anything… There were so many horrible, horrible things happening to him. Nobody should have to live through it. It’s just awful. Awful.”

The Bill will now go onto the Legislative Council, the Isle of Man’s upper chamber, for further debate. It could then receive Royal Assent in 2025, followed by consideration of how the law will be implemented. Assisted dying could potentially be available to terminally ill people from 2027.

Trevor Moore, Chair of My Death, My Decision said:

“Today we have seen historic developments as the Isle of Man moves toward a compassionate option for people at the end of their life. We hope politicians in England and Wales look towards the Island as a positive example when the issue comes up for debate in Westminster before too long.

At My Death, My Decision we believe that competent adults who are intolerably suffering from incurable conditions  – like locked-in syndrome, or for example paralysed after an accident – deserve the choice of an assisted, dignified death. That is what we will continue to campaign for.”


Media should contact Nathan Stilwell at or phone 07456200033.

My Death, My Decision is a grassroots campaign group that wants the law in England and Wales to allow mentally competent adults who are terminally ill or intolerably suffering from an incurable condition the option of a legal, safe, and compassionate assisted death. With the support of over 3,000 members and supporters, we advocate for an evidence-based law that would balance individual choice alongside robust safeguards and finally give the people of England and Wales choice at the end of their lives.